Coaching Internal Flame 🔥

Finding your inner fire is essential for a fulfilled and passionate life. Sometimes, we lose this fire due to the pressures of daily life, doubts, or setbacks. At LuiteCoaching, we help you rekindle this fire and discover your true potential.

Through personal guidance and coaching sessions, we support you in finding your passions, goals, and inner strength. Together, we work on restoring your self-confidence and motivation so you can live with energy and enthusiasm and realize your dreams.

Breaking through old blockages

At LuiteCoaching, we specialize in addressing a wide range of issues, from mental to physical and emotional:

Are you feeling overwhelmed by burnout, stress, or sleep problems? Do you suffer from neck and shoulder pain, headaches, or vague physical symptoms? Or are you struggling with depression, anxiety, phobias, or sadness?

In just 3 sessions, we can work together to break through old blockages and make your issues disappear. After each session, you’ll feel lighter, calmer, clearer, fitter, and stronger. We clear the blockages in your body and restore your connection with yourself. Ready to regain balance and live with renewed energy?

Schedule your free intake session valued at €199.00 now.

What does a session look like?


During our online session, you sit comfortably on the edge of your bed, couch, or a comfortable chair while I guide you in formulating your intention.

The session begins with energetic alignment, where we work on restoring balance and well-being.

We will reprogram the subconscious mind, as this often holds the root of certain blockages. We do this through a meditative exercise where you listen to my voice and close your eyes.

Wear comfortable clothing for an optimal experience. A session lasts on average 60 to 90 minutes and primarily uses the Touch of Matrix method. Immerse yourself in this healing experience and discover the power of connection and transformation, even from a distance.

What is Touch of Matrix?


Touch of Matrix is a powerful consciousness method based on the principles of quantum physics, likening your mind and body to a computer’s hard drive. Just as a computer slows down if not cleaned up, your body and mind can become bogged down by accumulated old information.

With Touch of Matrix, we clear this old information to create space for new growth and transformation. This method addresses the entire human system on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, helping you release blockages and regain balance.

Touch of Matrix is a consciousness method that can deeply impact you, allowing you to experience the power of quantum physics in action.


After a session, you might feel slightly more tired or emotional, or experience a mild headache. Fortunately, this is rare and typically resolves within 24 hours. It is advisable to take it easy for a (half) day following the session.

The difference is that in EMDR treatments, your working memory is heavily utilized, causing the trauma to fade and move to the background through extensive eye movements. In Touch of Matrix, we use the space and bring the issue into your awareness. You learn to accept and embrace the emotions, pain, and issues with love, allowing you to release them. This creates a reset, making room to receive everything you desire with open arms.

Coaching is not covered by health insurance. However, employers often have a personal investment budget available for their employees. Treatments and coaching can be paid from this budget, provided they are classified as personal development.

Sessions can take place both in-person and online. I specialize in online sessions, but if you are nearby, you can always schedule an appointment for an in-person session. In an in-person treatment, there is also physical contact as I guide you and you are likely to have your eyes closed to expedite the process.
  • 15 years of coaching experience across various fields for in-depth guidance.
  • Receive 100% honest and sincere attention, specifically for you.
  • Step into a safe and nurturing environment that embraces and stimulates your personal growth.

My name is Luite de Jager

As an experienced entrepreneur and energetic business coach, I am here to help launch your entrepreneurship to the next level based on the following four core values: